Tag Archives: happy

Peace be with Yourself


Are you happy and living a good life? If not, who are you blaming? I’m sure there are people who have hurt and offended you in the past, but you are the one who has hurt and offended you the most. You may have made some wrong choices in life, or you don’t like your appearance, or you don’t feel good enough. But you have to be with yourself every second of the day, so you better make peace with yourself. Choose to be better, forgive yourself, be happy with the outer you, and be kind and loving to yourself. The moment you make peace with yourself is when you can start to make peace with everyone else. ❤




What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Our eyes, facial expressions, and behavior expose our emotions and innermost feelings. We can usually tell when someone is happy, at peace, in love, energetic, confident, innocent, etc., or quite the opposite, depressed, angry, hateful, tired, scared, guilty, etc. Making direct eye contact is a great communication skill to have. The next time you engage with another person, look straight into their eyes. If you look close enough, you will see through to their very existence.

Children are Amazing


As we grow up, we seem to lose that child-like spirit within us. But children can definitely bring us back to where we once were before the world took hold of us.  We can learn a lot from children.  They are always in the present moment.  When I am with my four-year grandson, he reminds me that life is lots of fun and not to be so serious. ❤child2


Excellence vs. Perfection


I have always believed perfectionism was a good thing and that we must strive to be perfect in everything we do. I have discovered that perfection is not attainable and that no one is perfect (except for our Creator). Life can be very frustrating for a perfectionist. I know, because I am a recovering perfectionist. Before, I wanted my life to be perfect, but now, my goal is to be happy. I continue to learn to be the best I can be and achieve what I can at the highest level possible (excellence) which is good enough for me!  Psychologist Thomas Greenspon quoted the following differences between excellence and perfectionism in his book, “Moving Past Perfect:

  • “Excellence is risk. Perfection is fear.
  • Excellence is effort. Perfection is anger and frustration.
  • Excellence is openness to being wrong. Perfection is having to be right.
  • Excellence is spontaneity. Perfection is control.
  • Excellence is flow. Perfectionism is pressure.
  • Excellence is confidence. Perfectionism is doubt.
  • Excellence is a journey. Perfectionism is destination.
  • Excellence is acceptance. Perfectionism is judgement.
  • Excellence is encouraging. Perfection is criticizing.”

Here are a few more to consider that I’ve read elsewhere:

  • Excellence is surrender. Perfectionism is consuming.
  • Excellence is trust. Perfection is selfishness.

Dr. Greenspon also stated, “Perfectionism does not determine success — talent, energy, and commitment do.  Perfectionists are successful despite their perfectionism — not because of it.”



Does the ego help or hinder us? Some people believe the ego gives us that drive to do more and get more. Others believe it has no purpose and can be overpowering and destructive. When any particular part of us becomes off-balance, we could have problems. It is good to achieve our goals and get what we want in life but not to the point of doing harm to others and even ourselves. An inflated ego is unstable and fearful and likes to be in control at all times and the center of attention. It lives by comparisons and clashes with other big egos. The ego is easily recognizable in others, but it can also be subtle. When we give to a good cause, is it for praise and recognition or are we giving from our hearts? Is your ego controlling your life? When you let your heart and intuition guide you, you will be happy and still succeed in life.

Here Comes 2015!

With 2014 coming to an end, we should consider making plans/goals for the new year.  Some of us are wanting or needing to make major lifestyle changes, while others are perfectly content staying in their comfort zones.  Where ever we are in life, we should always seek ways to improve ourselves and the way we live.  We could lend a helping hand, complain less, be forgiving, eat healthier, exercise regularly, get organized, give more, save more, and spend less, be open-minded and less judgmental, be grateful, and always be kind and loving.  When we practice self-awareness, we can be more and do more to become better.  Best wishes for a very happy, healthy, and harmonious 2015!

Many Teachers


Everyone has something to offer in this world.  Pay attention to everyone, because we learn from each other.  We attract many different people into our lives consciously or unconsciously.  By observing and/or listening carefully to others, you may be inspired by someone, or you may be reminded that not everyone is at the same level of awareness as you.  Either way, be grateful for whomever crosses your path, because there is always room for self-improvement.  My little grandson teaches me to be happy for no reason.