Tag Archives: Behavior

Peace be with Yourself


Are you happy and living a good life? If not, who are you blaming? I’m sure there are people who have hurt and offended you in the past, but you are the one who has hurt and offended you the most. You may have made some wrong choices in life, or you don’t like your appearance, or you don’t feel good enough. But you have to be with yourself every second of the day, so you better make peace with yourself. Choose to be better, forgive yourself, be happy with the outer you, and be kind and loving to yourself. The moment you make peace with yourself is when you can start to make peace with everyone else. ❤




Happily Ever After


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a ‘happily ever after’ ending to all stories? If you are in a relationship or looking for a partner, I have to tell you, a ‘happily ever after’ ending is achievable. Typically, this type of ending involves a relationship, but even if you are satisfied being single, my message applies to you too.  First, let me ask you this, do you want a happy ending to your story? If you answered yes, you can truly make it happen. You may have to do a little bit of work, but it will be worth every second of it.

If you are already in a relationship, take your partner completely out of the equation, so there is no blaming, criticizing, accusing, etc. Do you have a clear perception of yourself? There are probably qualities that you like (strengths), but there are indeed some that need improvement (weaknesses), and perhaps you’re not even aware of them. Start by assessing your entire self: your character, thoughts, behavior, emotions, fears, habits, doubts, health, appearance, etc. It’s all part of the package. You have to become who you want to attract in your life. For example, be a good listener if you want people to pay attention to your opinions and beliefs; be more forgiving if you want others to forgive you; show consideration and appreciation toward others if you are looking for respect, etc. Not only will you be helping yourself, but you will also bring out the best in your partner. It’s a win/win situation. Maintaining balance, self-awareness, and being present are critical in the process for manifesting a ‘happily ever after’ ending.

I have been evaluating myself for years, and to this day, I still ask myself how can I improve? I am going to have a fairytale ending to my story with my prince charming!

Apology Accepted


We have all unintentionally hurt someone who put their trust in us.  In order to restore the relationship, you have to apologize to the other person.  True leaders acknowledge or “own” their mistakes.  Below are key components for making an effective, sincere apology:

  1. Respectfully admit you messed up.
  2. Take responsibility for your behavior or actions.
  3. Express remorse and say you are truly sorry.
  4. Ask what you can do (or offer) to make things right.
  5. Promise that it will not happen again.
  6. Make amends.

What NOT to do:

  1. Make excuses or rationalize your behavior.
  2. Downplay the situation by saying for example, “It was just a joke!”
  3. Turn it around and start blaming/criticizing the victim.
  4. Change the subject.

Getting the Tap


When we are aligned with our source and have faith and love in our lives, everything seems to go smoothly.  When we break away from these values and go down the negative path, we will get a slight ‘tap.’  The tap is to remind us to correct our behavior.  The tap will get stronger and stronger until we start making positive changes in our lives.  When we ignore the tap, we will continue to attract negative energy.