Monthly Archives: January 2016

Put the Pieces Together


Life is like a puzzle. When all the pieces come together and everything makes sense, you will finally learn personal truth.  There are only a few key pieces to the puzzle, but they are quite significant and life-changing. The most important piece to the puzzle is a positive mental attitude. This is what you believe about yourself, others, and life. Your life will be so much better when you keep your thoughts on the positive side. Although your beliefs, thoughts, and emotions impact your health and physical being tremendously, the other critical pieces are: a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep. What goes into the body should be nourishing and nutritious to keep the body functioning. You must move your body around to keep the positive energy flowing and of course rest to reenergize. The last piece to the puzzle is mindful meditation. Meditation helps you to quiet your mind, deal with your thoughts, and to become more “aware” of your inner most being. Meditation connects your inner power with the Creator/universe/God. This is when you listen to receive guidance, clarity, and direction for life.

Dying To Be Me


I highly recommend that EVERYONE watch this interview with Anita Moorjani.  People fearing death or having other fears, people with cancer or healing from cancer, people with other illnesses, please watch all the way through even after the commercial.  This is an incredible testimony with a clear message of our true being!  Thank you!



Excellence vs. Perfection


I have always believed perfectionism was a good thing and that we must strive to be perfect in everything we do. I have discovered that perfection is not attainable and that no one is perfect (except for our Creator). Life can be very frustrating for a perfectionist. I know, because I am a recovering perfectionist. Before, I wanted my life to be perfect, but now, my goal is to be happy. I continue to learn to be the best I can be and achieve what I can at the highest level possible (excellence) which is good enough for me!  Psychologist Thomas Greenspon quoted the following differences between excellence and perfectionism in his book, “Moving Past Perfect:

  • “Excellence is risk. Perfection is fear.
  • Excellence is effort. Perfection is anger and frustration.
  • Excellence is openness to being wrong. Perfection is having to be right.
  • Excellence is spontaneity. Perfection is control.
  • Excellence is flow. Perfectionism is pressure.
  • Excellence is confidence. Perfectionism is doubt.
  • Excellence is a journey. Perfectionism is destination.
  • Excellence is acceptance. Perfectionism is judgement.
  • Excellence is encouraging. Perfection is criticizing.”

Here are a few more to consider that I’ve read elsewhere:

  • Excellence is surrender. Perfectionism is consuming.
  • Excellence is trust. Perfection is selfishness.

Dr. Greenspon also stated, “Perfectionism does not determine success — talent, energy, and commitment do.  Perfectionists are successful despite their perfectionism — not because of it.”

You Can Move Mountains!

You Can Move Mountains!

Positive thinking is when we have faith and trust in the guiding hand of the universe. Faith is belief not based on proof. Confidence, self-assurance, and certainty is having faith. Faith is when we allow everything to unfold exactly the way it should. It’s not about everything turning out the way we want it to. It’s about accepting things no matter how it turns out. When there is absence of fear and doubt, and when we let go of resistance and control, we can learn to trust and have faith.