Tag Archives: mind

Silence is Golden


I meditate as often as possible or when I feel I need it which is usually about 20 minutes every day. This daily practice has improved my life tremendously.

If you want to connect to the Source of all creation, meditate.

If you want guidance in your life, meditate.

If you want to quiet your mind and calm your thoughts, meditate.

If you want to be a witness to your thoughts, meditate.

If you want to de-stress and relax your mind and body, meditate.

If you want to improve emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, and socially, meditate.

I came across a video that I would like to share with you called, “What is Meditation and Why Should I Do It?” from Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday:

God’s Gifts


When I believe in something wholeheartedly, I want everyone to know about it so that they too can reap the benefits. I will go full force with a positive attitude to help and encourage others to do the same. Since I have always had a passion for happiness, health, and wellbeing, recently, I have been intrigued with doTERRA pure, natural essential oils. These oils are used for healing the mind, body, and soul. It’s funny because my oldest daughter has been using them for quite some time now, but I wasn’t listening to what she had to say about them. Then all of a sudden, I was “guided” into trying them, and pretty soon, I was wanting to know everything about them.

Essential oils are naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds that are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. Essential oils give plants their distinctive smells and protect plants and play a role in plant pollination.

What I have experienced with doTERRA products is truly remarkable, and I believe they are making a positive impact in the world. These oils have transformed the way I manage my health. The over-the-counter medicines/products just don’t seem to be working for me, and I much prefer to go the natural route. I have been using the oils for minor issues such as headaches, skin problems, digestive tract, and lower back pain (from sitting all day). Of course, if any serious health issue arises, I will seek professional medical treatment. In the meantime, I will continue to use these wonderful natural oils that while attacking the problem, I am also calm and confident that I will be just fine.

Incidentally, there are over 200 verses in the Bible that mention the use of oils and fragrant incense. Essential oils were used by the Apostles. The Levite Priests were in charge of diagnosing and healing disease through prayer and anointing with oils. There are 12 healing oils of the Bible. Frankincense is one of which I’ve been using. This video explains some of its benefits: https://doterra.com/US/en/blog/spotlight-frankincense-oil. I truly appreciate essential oils, as they are God’s gifts to us.

Can you tell I’m hooked??


Decide for Yourself


When growing up, my parents taught me that if I never wasted, I would never be in the want.  Last month, I celebrated Easter at my house, and I bought a bag of my favorite jelly beans.  Well… in this bag of jelly beans, there is a flavor called green apple.  This is the one flavor that I do not like at all.  Keeping in mind what my parents taught me, I would always eat the green apple ones, even though I would choke on the taste.  I’ve got to tell you… this time, I couldn’t bring myself to eat them.  I finally made an adult decision to just throw them away and never eat them again!  It is liberating to know, I will no longer be eating green apple jelly beans!  My life is so much better now lol!

Troubling Thoughts


The Danger of Repression

by Madisyn Taylor (Daily OM)

When negative thoughts arise it is best to address them rather than pushing them down where they will surface again.

For the last several years, there has been a lot of focus on the power of positive thinking. Many people have come to misinterpret this wisdom to mean that it is not okay to have a bad mood or a negative thought or feeling. This can lend a kind of superficiality to their relationship with life and relationships with other people. It can also lead them to feel that if a negative thought or feeling comes up, in themselves or someone else, they must immediately block it out. When they do this, they are engaging in the act of repressing a part of themselves that needs to seen, heard, and processed.

When we repress parts of ourselves, they don’t go away so much as they get buried deep within us, and they often come out when we least expect it. On the other hand, if we allow ourselves to be fully human, honoring all the thoughts, feelings, and moods that pass through us on a given day, we create a more conscious relationship with ourselves. Instead of blocking out thoughts and feelings that we label as negative, we can simply observe them and then let them go. They only get stuck when we react to them negatively, pushing them down and out of sight where they get lodged in our unconscious minds. A healthier solution might be to develop a practice of following any negative thought we may have with a positive thought. This works well because positive thoughts are many times more powerful than negative thoughts.

Rather than setting our minds up in such a way that we become fearful of the contents of our own consciousness, blocking out anything that is less than 100 percent positive, we might resolve to develop a friendlier attitude toward ourselves, trusting in our inherent goodness. When we recognize our true inner worth, a few dark clouds passing through our minds will not intimidate us. We will see them for what they are–small, dark figures passing through an expansive sky of well-being and truth.

Simple Truths


Below are five Yogic Sutras of the Aquarian Age given to us by Yogi Bhajan. A sutra is a ‘knot.’ It is a complex spiritual concept reduced to one sentence and later expanded upon by a spiritual teacher. Sutras allowed sacred teachings to be protected from harm (by appearing harmless to conquerors) and were brief enough to be remembered by students in ancient times.”

1. Recognize that the other person is you.

We can only truly see ourselves reflected in another person. If we admire qualities in another, we are only seeing those same qualities in ourselves. These qualities may not yet be developed or expressed. On the flip side, if we see qualities that we dislike in another—again, we are only seeing ourselves—perhaps a disowned part called the shadow.

The more we identify with our ego, the more judgmental we will be toward others and the more we will project our own personality traits onto others.  We are being called to take full responsibility for our experiences and to live the Truth—we are ALL ONE.

Reflection: Just for one day, own everything (good and bad) that you see in another person.

2. When the time is on you, start, and the pressure will be off.

The way that we perceive time is an illusion. There is no past and no future—only the present—Now. Time is only consciousness moving.

This expansion of consciousness is pressurizing you to change, grow, and evolve on your soul’s journey. It is foolish to hold back this process with procrastination. In truth, we all know within our deepest selves what changes need to be made.

Worry and stress about ‘what if’ scenarios will only lead to more suffering and paralysis. This is the mind’s play and you’ll end up like a dog chasing its tail.

Reflection: The Universe is change. Change is constant so why not embrace it? It is time for you to make changes in your life. Take the first step, no matter how small, and you will feel the pressure immediately start to ease up. This will give you the momentum to keep changing and growing.

3. Vibrate the Cosmos; the Cosmos shall clear the path.

All of the Universe is a vibration of energy. We are either vibrating in harmony or disharmony with the Universe. We vibrate frequency through our thoughts, words, actions, emotions, and feelings. What we put out to the Universe we receive back, much like a boom-a-rang.

When life seems to be continually placing blocks along your path and nothing seems to be moving, it may be showing that you are not vibrating in harmony with the Universe. To vibrate with the Universe is to vibrate the higher frequencies of love, compassion, and kindness.

One of the best ways to be in the flow of the Cosmos is through yoga, meditation, and chanting mantra—sacred sounds that attune you to the Universe.

Reflection: Are you in the creative flow of the Universe today? Do you feel that something isn’t moving in your life? Shift the frequency of your thoughts to be more aligned with the Universe. Bring in the higher frequency energy and then watch your path clear!

4. There is a way through every block.

It is guaranteed that challenges come into your life for your spiritual growth and healing. No one is exempt! In fact, the day you have no challenges is the day you are dead. Every challenge, no matter how great or small, has a solution or a way through. This solution, however, doesn’t come from the rational or logical mind. A pros and cons list will not work.

The solution will come bubbling to the surface through your intuition. How do you know the difference between intuition and thoughts from the mind? Intuition is neutral in energy; there is no judgment, no ‘shoulds,’ and no fear. Intuition is the creative energy. It is like a small soft voice in your ear.

Reflection: As you face a challenge in your life, take a moment and remember that there is a way through every block. Breathe long and deep for a few minutes and wait for the answer to come. Start acting from your intuition and trust that you will be guided to the next best step for you!

5. Understand through compassion or you will misunderstand the times.

We are being called to move out of the motto, “What’s in it for me?” and  into this motto, “How can my actions benefit the whole?”

Compassion is learning and acting from the heart. If we choose to go into judgment or look away from the suffering of our fellow human beings, we are misunderstanding the times. It is only the ego and mind that keep us separate from one another and in denial of the truth.

We are ONE human tribe on planet Earth, all of us brothers and sisters connected by ONE spirit. We are here on this planet to serve, uplift and help one another.

Reflection: Keep your heart open today as you approach people and challenges. Resist the urge to go into the mind and ego to become separate. Remember to look into the eyes of others to see the same light that lives in us all.