Tag Archives: attention

Dying for Attention


So… how many likes/views/comments did your post/video get?  Who won the gold in the Olympics?  Which team is the best in football/baseball/hockey?  Who won the photo contest?  Who is the most beautiful, talented woman in the world?  I wonder what would happen if we took away all the needless competition?  I believe in striving for excellence and doing the best we can, but we go to extremes for attention and approval from others.  We should appreciate and take advantage of the unique, individual talents we possess, but why do we have to prove them to the world?  When we do get the most votes and win a contest, are we any happier?  It seems that our egos still need fed, and the bigger the ego, the more attention it demands.  Can we ever be proud and satisfied with who and what we are without any doubt or approval from others?  My grandson demands a lot of attention, and he is only five years old.  He always says, “Watch me Grammie. Look at what I can do.”  Constant praise and reassurance that he is so great and loved by so many people builds his self-esteem.

The presidential campaign has gotten way out of line. Yes, this country definitely needs leadership, and the American people have the privilege to vote for the most qualified candidate.  However, the process needs improvement, and the candidates should be presented in a respectful and honorable manner.  Attacking, bashing, or criticism from the candidates, public, or media should be prohibited.  We should be focused on the positive aspects and qualifications instead of who is the most flawed.

Voices in Your Head


Many of us have multiple voices in our heads. Sometimes, those voices can be extremely convincing and believable. I want to caution you that there is really only one voice that is authentic and real that you should pay attention to. The voice that speaks to you softly with love and gentleness is the one to trust and believe. This voice works in conjunction with your intuition and will lift your spirit and encourage you to follow your heart.  It will never be demanding or critical, cause fear or disorder, or bring up past issues.  Choose to listen to that quiet, still, small voice. ❤

Many Teachers


Everyone has something to offer in this world.  Pay attention to everyone, because we learn from each other.  We attract many different people into our lives consciously or unconsciously.  By observing and/or listening carefully to others, you may be inspired by someone, or you may be reminded that not everyone is at the same level of awareness as you.  Either way, be grateful for whomever crosses your path, because there is always room for self-improvement.  My little grandson teaches me to be happy for no reason.

The Most Valuable Gift


The most valuable gift you can give someone is your time.  Spend a small amount of your time today by giving someone your undivided attention.  It could be an elderly person, co-worker, friend, relative, etc.  Parents please take the time from your hectic schedule and pay attention to your children.  They would much rather spend time with you than any material object.  You may even want to devote some time to yourself or spend time with your pet.  This is a great act of caring and compassion.