Monthly Archives: April 2017



Everyone is dealing with difficulties in their lives, so the least we can do is show some compassion toward others. We must override the ego and be aware of our immediate thoughts about that person or their situation. It doesn’t take much to uplift someone when you know they are in need of encouragement. Sending an inspirational card or message, attending a funeral, visiting someone in the hospital or nursing home are all signs of compassion. When you can actually relate to how the other person is feeling and what they are experiencing, you tend to have more compassion and empathy toward other people. If you want to be a more compassionate person, start with self-compassion and self-love. Rather than judging yourself harshly, practice self-compassion to change any behavior you want to change. Loving kindness and compassion toward yourself and others go a long way.

The Dalai Lama stated, “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

Learn to Help Yourself


Essential oils are extremely popular these days. There is an oil available for just about every health issue out there.  Many people are skeptical of what these oils can do.  For the last several years, I have come to realize that medication can help in one area but harm another.  Did you ever watch a commercial for medication and afterwards all the possible side effects are identified?  The list goes on and on.  I will do whatever I can to avoid taking medication (because of side effects and also addiction).  Of course, any serious health issue must be addressed immediately by a medical professional.  I am now learning about pure and natural essential oils, and I’ve started using them.  I don’t know if it’s me and my belief in them (placebo effect) or if they really do work.  I guess it’s all what you believe.  I can honestly say, I believe they really do work for me.  A few minor issues I’ve been experiencing lately have actually improved.  I must say, I am feeling pretty good right now!  I am always looking for natural ways to live a healthy lifestyle.  Meditation (#1), exercise (walking for me), yoga (men can do this too :), a positive mindset, repeating affirmations, a healthy diet, lots of water and good rest, and giving up coffee, tea, and soda have all greatly improved my health, physically and mentally.

Hope in Uncertain Times


Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra team up again to offer you this FREE 21-day meditation experience.  Today is the first day!  I have taken all of their other 21-day meditation courses.  I highly encourage you to take it.  Click on the link to get started:

Lean on Each Other


So a dear friend of mine and co-worker was recently diagnosed with a huge brain tumor.  She went into surgery on a Monday for prep work which took 3 hours, and on Tuesday she had an approximate 8-hour operation to remove the tumor.  On Wednesday morning, she was up eating breakfast and sitting in a chair.  How amazing is that?!  The doctor said she did 110% better than expected!  Besides the wonderfully skilled doctors who performed the surgery and the professional staff, I believe the power of prayer, positive energy, and faith added to the success of her outcome.  Her Facebook wall was flooded with well wishes.  All of her family, friends, and co-workers were praying for her.  It seems when both individual and collective prayers are combined, they are very powerful.  I believe when we all come together and provide positive support, we can truly impact each other’s lives.