Tag Archives: attract

Manifest Your Desires


This day doesn’t have to be your birthday to make a wish.  I want you to close your eyes right now and purposely think of something you want.  To test this process, let’s start with something simple.  I simply asked for a connection with a dear friend who I have known for many years.  Now let go of the thought and forget about it.  What I mean is don’t dwell on it or keep asking for it or wondering whether or not it’s going to come true.  To speed up the process, stay positive and believe with all your heart that it will happen with absolutely no doubt.  You can even act like it has happened or you’ve received it already and be very thankful.  Continue with your normal, daily activities, but stay fully focused in the present moment throughout the days ahead.  I am so excited for us right now, because this is part of what life is all about.  Stay tuned my friends. I am wishing you a joy-filled life!

Path to Power


Your whole life revolves around what is going on inside of you.  What you are thinking, what you are believing, what you are feeling, what you are intending, what or who you are connecting with spiritually, and what you are physically putting into your body.  Your inner world is attracting your outer world.  The path to power begins with awareness.  Only when you become ‘aware’ of what needs to be changed within yourself can you make changes in your life. As always, positive changes bring positive results.

Quit Your Whining


Complaining will get you nowhere, but action will get you everywhere ~ dp.  When you keep complaining about what is not working in your life, you will continue to attract more problems. Quit focusing on the problem, and figure out what you can do to change the situation. Start taking the necessary steps to resolve the issue, and everything will flow accordingly.  Take action and believe that things will work out. You will see how quickly your life will turn around!

Create the Perfect Love


When we want to attract the right people into our lives, we first have to be right with ourselves. How can we be better so that we can have better relationships? If you’re in a relationship that needs repaired, figure out what you can do to make things right. Instead of expecting the other person to change, we have to learn to change ourselves. Become more loving, accepting, and supportive of ourselves, and then we can provide the same in our relationships. love4

Many Teachers


Everyone has something to offer in this world.  Pay attention to everyone, because we learn from each other.  We attract many different people into our lives consciously or unconsciously.  By observing and/or listening carefully to others, you may be inspired by someone, or you may be reminded that not everyone is at the same level of awareness as you.  Either way, be grateful for whomever crosses your path, because there is always room for self-improvement.  My little grandson teaches me to be happy for no reason.

The Universe

The Universe

When you are feeling good and are having a nice day, you are attracting positive energy.  When you are angry or in a bad mood, you will get more negativity.  You can simply change your day by changing your attitude.  The key to controlling your life is being aware of your thoughts and the words you are using.  Something very important to remember is the universe does not recognize words such as don’t, not, never, no, etc., so these words get dropped from the meaning.  When you think or say, “I don’t want to be sad,” the universe translates this into: “I want to be sad.” Instead say, “I want to be happy.”  The universe is ready and waiting to give you what you want.  So who or what are you attracting right now?

Changing Others


We are constantly attracting people into our lives.  Not all people are meant to stay, especially if you are experiencing change in your life.  Those people may no longer be at the same place as where you are.  We cannot expect people to be who we want them to be.  We will become very frustrated with the relationship.  They have to want to change for themselves.  Some people will change and some will not.  Either way, we must accept them for who they are.

Stay on Your Toes!


If you were to ask me what is the most important thing you can do to change your life for the better, my answer would be to control your thoughts. Your thoughts create your life. This I know for sure. Here is a very simple analysis. Positive thoughts attract positive people/things/actions into your life, and of course, negative thoughts attract the opposite. The trick is… you must constantly be aware of what you are thinking. Do not believe any negative thoughts about yourself, other people, or any situation. Try this today, and see how your day goes. Stay on your toes, because you will be challenged!