Monthly Archives: February 2016

Focus on What’s Right


We will experience many obstacles in life.  Usually, our first reaction is to resist what is happening.  We also want to know why it is happening.  What we really need to do is focus on getting though the situation and to think positive about what we can learn from it.  It’s a growing experience.  We may come to find out later or we may never know.  Our faith is being put to the test.


Taken at Blackwater Falls, WV

Oprah & Deepak


Please take advantage of this FREE upcoming 21-day meditation experience with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra.  They have teamed up again and produced this new class:  Shedding the Weight:  Mind, Body, and Spirit.  It begins on 3/21/2016 and takes only about 20 minutes out of each day that is well worth it!  I have taken all of their previous on-line courses, and I can tell you, they are truly inspiring.  Check it out!



Ask and You Shall Receive


I was on my way to work early one morning, and the beautiful, full moon was glowing over the city.  I couldn’t resist acknowledging its presence, so I pulled the car over to the side of the road and took this photo.  It reminded me that the universe is perfect and loving.



Law of Cause and Effect


Here’s the story behind this photo.  The Anchor Café at the Marina Inn at Grande Dunes, SC sponsored a charity drive to get as many dollar bills ‘stuck’ to the ceiling as possible.  My friend, Laura, managed to get both of her dollars to stick!  Good cause, great idea, and lots of fun!




I am writing this in honor of Groundhog Day. Waking up can be a very slow process. It’s kind of like when the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, emerges from his hole, he sees his shadow and scurries right back in. It is then predicted that there will be six more weeks of winter-like weather. We know what is good for us, but change can be a little frightening. The good news is we are taking that first step toward change. At least we are coming out of our dark holes.  According to today’s news, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, therefore, an early spring is in the forecast!  When we keep moving forward and stepping out in faith, doors will open to new opportunities to use our gifts and develop relationships.

Calling All Parents

Calling All Parents

Parents beware: your children watch every move you make inside the home and outside the home.  Right now, they are absorbing everything there is to know about life.  Please be good role models for them, because they are depending on you to teach them all that you know.  This is good, because you can actually mold them into becoming great adults. Your children are going to grow up being like you.  So, are you happy and content?  Do you like yourself?  Are you a calm and patient person or are you uptight and anxious?  Do you have manners, and are you polite and respectful toward others?  How do you react to negative situations?  Do you eat healthy food, and are you active?  Maybe you need to change in some areas so that you can be the best role models you can be for your children.  This is the perfect time to do so while they are still young and wanting to learn.  Do it for you and them, because they need your guidance.  Be very grateful for your children.  They are blessings from God!