Tag Archives: heart



You shouldn’t take life so seriously. You have got to laugh in life. Laughter has many health benefits such as relieving stress and is good for the heart and soul. It is also a social mechanism that bonds relationships. Here my grandson is laughing his little heart out. Photo credit goes to my daughter, Sarah. (It’s a family affair lol!)


To Believe or Not to Believe


I am coming close to figuring out what my beliefs are in my life right now. I guess I could say they are a compilation of spiritual, philosophical, scientific, and religious beliefs. If it touches my heart and soul, I have a good feeling that I am on the right path to the truth. I am open to any other suggestions lol!



Does the ego help or hinder us? Some people believe the ego gives us that drive to do more and get more. Others believe it has no purpose and can be overpowering and destructive. When any particular part of us becomes off-balance, we could have problems. It is good to achieve our goals and get what we want in life but not to the point of doing harm to others and even ourselves. An inflated ego is unstable and fearful and likes to be in control at all times and the center of attention. It lives by comparisons and clashes with other big egos. The ego is easily recognizable in others, but it can also be subtle. When we give to a good cause, is it for praise and recognition or are we giving from our hearts? Is your ego controlling your life? When you let your heart and intuition guide you, you will be happy and still succeed in life.