Tag Archives: kind

Peace be with Yourself


Are you happy and living a good life? If not, who are you blaming? I’m sure there are people who have hurt and offended you in the past, but you are the one who has hurt and offended you the most. You may have made some wrong choices in life, or you don’t like your appearance, or you don’t feel good enough. But you have to be with yourself every second of the day, so you better make peace with yourself. Choose to be better, forgive yourself, be happy with the outer you, and be kind and loving to yourself. The moment you make peace with yourself is when you can start to make peace with everyone else. ❤




The Excellence of Love


I have always associated the month of February with love,  hence I felt the following message would be appropriate for today: 

1If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13 – New International Version



Four Cardinal Virtues


Dr. Wayne Dyer:

“Some 2,500 years ago, Lao-tzu spoke of the four cardinal virtues and noted that when we practice them as a way of life, we come to know and access the truth of the universe. These four virtues don’t represent external dogma, but a part of our original nature—by practicing them, we realign with Source and access the powers that Source energy has to offer. According to the teachings of Lao-tzu, the four cardinal virtues represent the surest way to leave habits and excuses behind and reconnect to your original nature. The more your life is harmonized with the four virtues, the less you’re controlled by the uncompromising ego.

The First Cardinal Virtue:  Reverence for All Life

The first cardinal virtue manifests in your daily life as unconditional love and respect for all beings in creation. This includes making a conscious effort to love and respect yourself, as well as to remove all judgments and criticisms. Understand that you are a piece of God, and since you must be like what you came from, you are lovable, worthy, and Godlike. Affirm this as often as you can, for when you see yourself in a loving way, you have nothing but love to extend outward. And the more you love others, the less you need old excuse patterns, particularly those relating to blame.

The Second Cardinal Virtue:  Natural Sincerity

This virtue manifests itself as honesty, simplicity, and faithfulness; and it’s summed up by the popular reminder to be true to yourself. Using an excuse to explain why your life isn’t working at the level you prefer isn’t being true to yourself—when you’re completely honest and sincere, excuses don’t even enter into the picture. The second virtue involves living a life that reflects choices that come from respect and affection for your own nature. Make truth your most important attribute. Walk your talk; that is, become sincere and honest in all that you say and do. If you find this to be a challenge, take a moment to affirm: I no longer need to be insincere or dishonest. This is who I am, and this is how I feel. When you know and trust yourself, you also know and trust the Divinity that created you. If you live from honesty, sincerity, and faithfulness to the callings of your spirit, you’ll never have occasion to use excuses.

The Third Cardinal Virtue:  Gentleness

This virtue personifies one of my favorite and most frequently employed maxims: “When you have the choice to be right or to be kind, always pick kind.” So many of your old thinking habits and their attendant excuses come out of a need to make yourself right and others wrong. When you practice this third virtue, you eliminate conflicts that result in your need to explain why you’re right. This virtue manifests as kindness, consideration for others, and sensitivity to spiritual truth.

Gentleness generally implies that you no longer have a strong ego-inspired desire to dominate or control others, which allows you to move into a rhythm with the universe. You cooperate with it, much like a surfer who rides with the waves instead of trying to overpower them. Gentleness means accepting life and people as they are, rather than insisting that they be as you are. As you practice living this way, blame disappears and you enjoy a peaceful world.

The Fourth Cardinal Virtue:  Supportiveness

This virtue manifests in your life as service to others without any expectation of reward. Once again, when you extend yourself in a spirit of giving, helping, or loving, you act as God acts. As you consider the many excuses that have dominated your life, look carefully at them—you’ll see that they’re all focused on the ego: I can’t do this. I’m too busy or too scared. I’m unworthy. No one will help me. I’m too old. I’m too tired.  Now imagine shifting your attention off of yourself and asking the universal mind How may I serve? When you do so, the message you’re sending is: I’m not thinking about myself and what I can or can’t have. Your attention is on making someone else feel better.”

Who is Your Best Friend?


Do you have a best friend? Do you treat your best friend better than all your other friends? Are you kinder and more gentle and respectful toward your best friend? When you look in the mirror at yourself, do you observe your physical attributes, or do you focus on your true self? Do you love and appreciate who you see and who you are? No one knows you better than you. You are your best friend. How well do you treat yourself? Thank your best friend for always being there for you 24/7 through thick and thin.

Givers and Takers


Why do people take advantage of a good thing?  Why do people fail to appreciate others for who they are and what they do for them?  They’re always wanting more and more and end up ruining relationships.  They push their limit and then get angry when others finally stand up to them.  Balance is what it takes for both sides.  Please… show respect and gratitude when someone is helping you out, and do not ‘expect’ it from him or her.  For the other person, always be kind and giving but know when to stop before people take you for granted.

It’s a Juggling Act


Keeping a balanced lifestyle is important for well-being and happiness.  Do your job, but take time for other activities or hobbies you enjoy doing.  Exercise regularly but get proper rest.  Eat healthy and then every once in a while indulge in a favorite dessert.  Love yourself but don’t be narcissistic.  Stay strong but be humble.  Be confident but not arrogant.  Be kind and willing to help others, but avoid being taken advantage of.  Keep your emotions under control.  When we experience loss, it is normal and natural to grieve as part of the healing process.

Be of Service


We were put on this earth to help each other. Who are you going to help today? Will you offer your condolences to a family who lost a loved one; are you praying for someone who is ill; will you express your gratitude to someone who has helped you; will you reach out to someone who is struggling with life; or will you simply be kind to everyone who crosses your path today? Helping others is a great way to feel good about ourselves. When we help people, people will naturally want to help us, and the positive energy will keep increasing. What are you going to do today to be of service?

Here Comes 2015!

With 2014 coming to an end, we should consider making plans/goals for the new year.  Some of us are wanting or needing to make major lifestyle changes, while others are perfectly content staying in their comfort zones.  Where ever we are in life, we should always seek ways to improve ourselves and the way we live.  We could lend a helping hand, complain less, be forgiving, eat healthier, exercise regularly, get organized, give more, save more, and spend less, be open-minded and less judgmental, be grateful, and always be kind and loving.  When we practice self-awareness, we can be more and do more to become better.  Best wishes for a very happy, healthy, and harmonious 2015!

Love Yourself


Why are we so hard on ourselves?  Sometimes we treat other people better than we treat ourselves.  At times, we may feel we’re not good enough.  We need to focus on progression instead of perfection.  Accept yourself, be kind and gentle with yourself, lift yourself up, respect yourself, believe in yourself, encourage yourself, be grateful for yourself, and love yourself!