Tag Archives: angry

What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Our eyes, facial expressions, and behavior expose our emotions and innermost feelings. We can usually tell when someone is happy, at peace, in love, energetic, confident, innocent, etc., or quite the opposite, depressed, angry, hateful, tired, scared, guilty, etc. Making direct eye contact is a great communication skill to have. The next time you engage with another person, look straight into their eyes. If you look close enough, you will see through to their very existence.

Givers and Takers


Why do people take advantage of a good thing?  Why do people fail to appreciate others for who they are and what they do for them?  They’re always wanting more and more and end up ruining relationships.  They push their limit and then get angry when others finally stand up to them.  Balance is what it takes for both sides.  Please… show respect and gratitude when someone is helping you out, and do not ‘expect’ it from him or her.  For the other person, always be kind and giving but know when to stop before people take you for granted.