Tag Archives: conscious

Who Am I?


Whenever you are aware of self-criticism, here are some positive affirmations to repeat that will bring you back to who you really are.  The list is endless, but of course, I had to stop somewhere.  At the beginning of each statement, always use these two significant words: “I am.”  And remember, God made you perfect.


Speak Kindly


The words that come out of your mouth have a level of energy and vibration.  By being conscious and selective about the words you speak, you have the power to create and generate positive energy.  Remember, the type of energy you put out, you will get back.  So what kind of day do you want to have?


Faith, Hope, and Love


Despite the tragedies in this world, there still exists the wonder of it all:  the beauty, the aliveness, the stillness, the love, and the miracles. The miracles are what keep us in joy and in faith and bring us closer to our Creator.  My hope for all is that we are conscious of and witness and experience many miracles in the coming new year and all through life.

Here’s the Prescription


Before I started meditating, my life was chaotic. I was a very anxious and uptight person. My mind and thoughts would go a mile a minute. I would worry about things that were out of my control; I got upset so easily over silly stuff, I would forget where I put things, etc. Life was always a struggle. When I started meditating, my life slowly began to change. Amazing things started happening. My life is more balanced, my emotions are under control, and my days go smoother. Life seems easier now, and it is getting better and better every day in every way. There are no meds, drugs, alcohol, or anything to ingest. Meditation is just pure and natural being. Here is what meditation has done for me:

  • The noise or mind chatter in my head has reduced significantly.
  • I have a more positive attitude.
  • I am a calmer and more relaxed person.
  • I feel healthier and more energetic.
  • I sleep better.
  • I am happier.
  • I am confident.
  • I can surrender to what is happening in each moment.
  • I am a more conscious being.
  • I have more peace and clarity in my life.

Meditation is empowering, enlightening, and transformative. I challenge you to try it for just one week straight for at least 15-20 minutes each day.  It takes a little discipline, but I know you can do it!

What’s Meant To Be

What’s Meant To Be

Destiny is a predetermined course of events usually powered by an irresistible life force. We can intentionally control what happens in the future (to a certain extent). Sometimes, things turn out better than what we could ever imagine. As long as we stay conscious and alert in the present moment; be positive with our mind, thoughts, and actions (even during the bumps along the road); and go with the natural flow; we will fulfill our destiny.

Do you expect to do many great things? Are you destined to be with a certain person and perhaps meant to live somewhere else?  When you have the desire and can feel it and believe it, you can make it happen!