Monthly Archives: December 2014

Here Comes 2015!

With 2014 coming to an end, we should consider making plans/goals for the new year.  Some of us are wanting or needing to make major lifestyle changes, while others are perfectly content staying in their comfort zones.  Where ever we are in life, we should always seek ways to improve ourselves and the way we live.  We could lend a helping hand, complain less, be forgiving, eat healthier, exercise regularly, get organized, give more, save more, and spend less, be open-minded and less judgmental, be grateful, and always be kind and loving.  When we practice self-awareness, we can be more and do more to become better.  Best wishes for a very happy, healthy, and harmonious 2015!

Celebrate the Season

Celebrate the Season

As we come together for different celebrations around the world during this holiday season, let’s keep one thing in mind.  Love.  Choose to love people for who they truly are.  Choose to love people regardless of their race, color, gender, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, profession, political beliefs, etc.  Love is pure, love is positive, and love is powerful.  Love your Creator, love yourself, love everyone, and love life.


Closed Door


I’m sure you’ve heard this before, “when one door closes another door opens.”  We have to remember that when that door closes, everything is going to be fine.  Our Creator intended to close that door for a very good purpose.  Sometimes we tend to forget and become anxious and discouraged.  We need to be patient and have faith and trust until the other door is opened.  There is perfect timing for everything.  We should be grateful for closed doors and opened doors.  Because our Creator would never close one door without opening another.

Inner Peace


With the many decisions and challenges we face every day, how do we achieve inner peace?  Inner peace starts with self-acceptance.  When you feel good about yourself and be yourself, you will have peace within.  Have faith and confidence that things will work out and stay calm during a storm.  The less you react to negative situations, the more peaceful your life will be.  Take time for yourself.  Simplify your life.  Meditation is the best practice for peace, relaxation, and connection to the source of all life.

Stonewall Resort, WV

Stonewall Resort, WV

Breaking Point


A horrific crime recently occurred in the state of WV where four people were shot dead and the shooter ended up taking his own life.  My question is how does someone reach a breaking point in life and do something this severe?  Our minds can be very powerful and conjure up a great story, if we let them.  Our minds can even provide complete justification for the story. Now there may be some truth to the story, but our minds seem to magnify it.  To control our actions, we must be aware of what we are thinking.  Because our thoughts can take us for a ride.  Most importantly, we need to realize that not all of our thoughts are true, even though they are a part of us.  We need to ignore the negative thoughts and focus on the positive ones.  My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all involved in this incident and hope they quickly recover during this difficult time.