Monthly Archives: October 2014

What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

Everyone has a story to tell.  What you have done, where you have been, where you want to go, etc.  Have you experienced a life-changing event?  Did you lose a loved one?  Are you divorced?  All of our decisions have brought us to this point in life.  We survived and we are all okay, because I’m typing these words and you’re reading them.  Our experiences made us who we are today.  Maybe it’s time to write a new story and make it a good one!

Presence is a Present


The most important time in your life is the present moment.  It’s what you are doing right here right now in this moment and every moment in life.  The past is gone.  You made memories and some were good but some were not-so-good.  Cherish the good and erase the not-so-good.  Don’t dwell on the past and what you should have done.  There is nothing you can do about the past.  I’ve heard so many people say I wish I knew back then what I know now.  Okay now is here and your chance to shine.  This is your moment.  Three is no need to worry about what lies ahead of you and what ‘might’ happen. You will only be wasting valuable time.  Yes, you can make plans and establish goals for the future, but you do that in the present moment.  Focus on the here and the now.  It’s where you need to be all the time.


Liam at the pumpkin patch.

Liam at the pumpkin patch

Can you see the joy on this little guy’s face?  He was so excited to be at the pumpkin patch and that he got to pick his own pumpkin.  It’s moments like these that mean the most in life.  Do we still get excited about the simple things?  When did we lose that joy?  Bring back the joy in your life.  Slow down, take notice, and appreciate all of God’s miracles.

Life’s Lessons


Just when things are moving along fine and then BAM something bad happens (at least we think so at the time).  It has happened to all of us.  We immediately ask why.  Why did this happen, what am I doing wrong, why can’t things work out, etc.  It’s especially hard on parents when it happens to their children.  Some parents would rather take the fall than to see their children suffer.  God wants us to grow in grace.  God wants us all to learn to be strong and responsible but yet loving and compassionate.  How do we learn to be good if there isn’t bad?  How would we know about light if there wasn’t dark?  We have to learn to accept things as they are, because it’s all part of life’s lessons.  Keep the faith no matter what.

What is Spirituality?


Spirituality is when we become aware of the spiritual essence within ourselves and everyone else.  Spirituality is the practice of connecting and aligning our inner most being with a divine power greater than ourselves.  We are connected in such a way that we allow this greater power to guide us in life.  When we consistently practice spirituality, we will develop a deeper connection with our source and the better we will become.  The more aligned we are, the less pain and suffering we will experience.

The Real You


How would you describe yourself?  What is underneath the mask… the essence of who you are?  You were created perfectly, although at times, you may have contradicting thoughts about this.  But those thoughts are not who you really are.  Your job is to rise above those thoughts and declare that you are whole.   When defining who you are, use the two words “I am.”  These two small but very powerful words are stating a fact that is already true.  You just need to realize it, especially when those negative thoughts sneak in.  Below are just a few examples of what I am.  The list goes on and on because I am a wonderful human being, and so are you.

  • I am courageous.
  • I am beautiful.
  • I am kind.
  • I am thankful.
  • I am loving.
  • I am generous.
  • I am happy.
  • I am strong.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am wise.

Take Action!


Here is one of my favorite quotes:  “Action speaks louder than words.”  Some people like to sit around all day long and boast about what they are going to do and even provide the details.  We can talk a big talk, but when it comes down to it, do you actually accomplish what you say you are going to do?

If you want people to trust you, then when you make a commitment to someone, you need to make every effort to fulfill that promise.  Before making that commitment, you need to be sure you really want to do it and if it is possible.  It is not the thought that counts… it is the action that proves your loyalty.