Tag Archives: energy

Breath of Life


Deep breathing is a great stress reliever. Whenever you are feeling anxious or uptight, sit quietly and take some long deep breaths. Your body and mind will begin to settle down and relax into a peaceful state.  Continue this process until you are feeling back to normal.

Lean on Each Other


So a dear friend of mine and co-worker was recently diagnosed with a huge brain tumor.  She went into surgery on a Monday for prep work which took 3 hours, and on Tuesday she had an approximate 8-hour operation to remove the tumor.  On Wednesday morning, she was up eating breakfast and sitting in a chair.  How amazing is that?!  The doctor said she did 110% better than expected!  Besides the wonderfully skilled doctors who performed the surgery and the professional staff, I believe the power of prayer, positive energy, and faith added to the success of her outcome.  Her Facebook wall was flooded with well wishes.  All of her family, friends, and co-workers were praying for her.  It seems when both individual and collective prayers are combined, they are very powerful.  I believe when we all come together and provide positive support, we can truly impact each other’s lives.

To Be


I am reposting this quote that I posted back in June 2016. There has been so much negative energy floating around lately resulting from the Presidential election and Inauguration. If we are to make this world a better place, we have to come together and unite as one, because we are one human race. Everyone needs to step up and do their part. We need to start acting the way we’re supposed “to be,” by loving and respecting each other no matter what. Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, but your behavior does.

to be

Set Boundaries


Wow… is it just me or does it seem like there is so much negativity these days?  People are ready to attack, lash out, and strike at any given moment.  Little do they know that they are not only hurting themselves, but they are also creating more negative energy within their circle.  These people will then be the first ones to complain about how things are not working right in their lives.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but be civil and have some class and respect when voicing them.  Besides, if you listen close enough to what is being said without being so critical and close-minded, you might truly learn something.  My circle of friends is getting smaller.  I refuse to support negative behavior.

Speak Kindly


The words that come out of your mouth have a level of energy and vibration.  By being conscious and selective about the words you speak, you have the power to create and generate positive energy.  Remember, the type of energy you put out, you will get back.  So what kind of day do you want to have?


We are Connected

We are Connected

Everyone and everything was created by the same source.  Therefore, we are all connected to the source by the same source energy.  This source energy is in human beings, animals, trees, plants, etc.  Animals have a very close connection with the source.  They are unlike humans who sometimes allow their minds or thoughts to get in the way of their connection.  I have an adorable little Maltese named Oscar.  We may not behave the same or have the same physical attributes, but we definitely have a spiritual connection.  He is such a loving and faithful little guy.  He is my best friend.

You Gotta Try This!


Yaay!  This free 21-day meditation experience, Energy of Attraction, begins today offered by Ms. Oprah Winfrey and Mr. Deepak Chopra.  So far, I have completed four of their other 21-day meditation courses available, and I can honestly say, I’ve learned so much about manifesting the best life ever.  Here is the link to sign up:

Guided Meditations




Getting the Tap


When we are aligned with our source and have faith and love in our lives, everything seems to go smoothly.  When we break away from these values and go down the negative path, we will get a slight ‘tap.’  The tap is to remind us to correct our behavior.  The tap will get stronger and stronger until we start making positive changes in our lives.  When we ignore the tap, we will continue to attract negative energy.

The Universe

The Universe

When you are feeling good and are having a nice day, you are attracting positive energy.  When you are angry or in a bad mood, you will get more negativity.  You can simply change your day by changing your attitude.  The key to controlling your life is being aware of your thoughts and the words you are using.  Something very important to remember is the universe does not recognize words such as don’t, not, never, no, etc., so these words get dropped from the meaning.  When you think or say, “I don’t want to be sad,” the universe translates this into: “I want to be sad.” Instead say, “I want to be happy.”  The universe is ready and waiting to give you what you want.  So who or what are you attracting right now?