Tag Archives: respect



Everyone has a purpose in life and something to contribute to the world. Our talents may differ from others, but every job is important. Almost all jobs work in conjunction with other jobs which enables everyone to progress and be successful. We should respect all job titles and positions. Our jobs would be a lot easier and more enjoyable, if we could only realize that we’re all on the same team. ~dp

To Be


I am reposting this quote that I posted back in June 2016. There has been so much negative energy floating around lately resulting from the Presidential election and Inauguration. If we are to make this world a better place, we have to come together and unite as one, because we are one human race. Everyone needs to step up and do their part. We need to start acting the way we’re supposed “to be,” by loving and respecting each other no matter what. Your beliefs don’t make you a better person, but your behavior does.

to be

Set Boundaries


Wow… is it just me or does it seem like there is so much negativity these days?  People are ready to attack, lash out, and strike at any given moment.  Little do they know that they are not only hurting themselves, but they are also creating more negative energy within their circle.  These people will then be the first ones to complain about how things are not working right in their lives.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but be civil and have some class and respect when voicing them.  Besides, if you listen close enough to what is being said without being so critical and close-minded, you might truly learn something.  My circle of friends is getting smaller.  I refuse to support negative behavior.

Before and After the Shift


Dr. Wayne Dyer explored the spiritual journey from ambition to meaning. The powerful shift from the ego constructs we are taught early in life by parents and society – which promote an emphasis on achievement and accumulation – in contrast to a life of meaning, focused on serving and giving back. According to Dr. Dyer, research was done on males and females before and after they experienced this shift. They were asked what their five priorities/values in life were. Below are the results:


Before the Shift                             After the Shift

Wealth                                             Spirituality
Adventure                                        Personal Peace
Achievement                                   Family
Pleasure                                         God’s Will
Respected                                      Honesty


Before the Shift                             After the Shift

Family                                              Own Personal Growth
Sense of Independence                  Sense of Self Esteem
Career                                             Spirituality
Fitting In                                           Happiness
Attractiveness                                  Forgiveness

Being Honorable


My definition of an honorable person is someone who is righteous, trustworthy, compassionate, and shows respect for others. A person of honor is fair and forgiving, takes responsibility for his/her own actions, keeps promises, and maintains composure during difficult situations. A person who earns an honest living and is willing to help others is being honorable. When these values are practiced, much respect from others will be gained, and there will be a spiritual peaceful feeling within.

Givers and Takers


Why do people take advantage of a good thing?  Why do people fail to appreciate others for who they are and what they do for them?  They’re always wanting more and more and end up ruining relationships.  They push their limit and then get angry when others finally stand up to them.  Balance is what it takes for both sides.  Please… show respect and gratitude when someone is helping you out, and do not ‘expect’ it from him or her.  For the other person, always be kind and giving but know when to stop before people take you for granted.

Apology Accepted


We have all unintentionally hurt someone who put their trust in us.  In order to restore the relationship, you have to apologize to the other person.  True leaders acknowledge or “own” their mistakes.  Below are key components for making an effective, sincere apology:

  1. Respectfully admit you messed up.
  2. Take responsibility for your behavior or actions.
  3. Express remorse and say you are truly sorry.
  4. Ask what you can do (or offer) to make things right.
  5. Promise that it will not happen again.
  6. Make amends.

What NOT to do:

  1. Make excuses or rationalize your behavior.
  2. Downplay the situation by saying for example, “It was just a joke!”
  3. Turn it around and start blaming/criticizing the victim.
  4. Change the subject.

Love Yourself


Why are we so hard on ourselves?  Sometimes we treat other people better than we treat ourselves.  At times, we may feel we’re not good enough.  We need to focus on progression instead of perfection.  Accept yourself, be kind and gentle with yourself, lift yourself up, respect yourself, believe in yourself, encourage yourself, be grateful for yourself, and love yourself!