Tag Archives: I am

Who Am I?


Whenever you are aware of self-criticism, here are some positive affirmations to repeat that will bring you back to who you really are.  The list is endless, but of course, I had to stop somewhere.  At the beginning of each statement, always use these two significant words: “I am.”  And remember, God made you perfect.




Words have power. Be careful when you speak or write the word ‘trying.’ The definition  I am referring to is: “make an effort to do something: to attempt to accomplish or complete something” (from Merriam-Webster.com). When you truly want to accomplish something, you have to eliminate the word ‘trying’ because the universe delivers exactly what you state. You will continue to try or attempt to instead of actually achieve the goal. Be aware of the words you use. You will get quicker and better results when you are more specific and direct with the universe. And of course, always use the powerful words ‘I am.’ See the following examples:

  • I am trying to follow biblical principles.  ►  I am following biblical principles.
  • I am trying to practice humility in my daily life.  ►  I am practicing humility in my daily life.



Words have power so be careful what you say.  You can’t take back what you say, so say something good. Words come from your thoughts.  What are you thinking right now?  Are you thinking positive thoughts?  Here are some powerful words to use after “I am:”  STRONG, COURAGEOUS, CAPABLE, ALIVE, CREATIVE, DETERMINED, and CONFIDENT.  Be kind to yourself and everyone you come in contact with today.