Tag Archives: miracle

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I know there are many people who struggle with the belief in God (I have been there). Some of us have the attitude, when I see it, I will believe it. But I have come to learn over the years, it’s actually quite the opposite; when you believe it, you will see it. I can tell you, truthfully, that I have so many experiences to justify my belief in God. These miracles started showing up when I started showing up, when I made the choice to believe FIRST. Things started going my way, because I put my faith and trust in God first. Life is easier now because I know that I am constantly being guided by a higher power. The stronger my belief is, the better I am becoming emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, and financially. When a situation comes about, I keep in mind that God is in control and has a plan. So I ask you this simple question:  what do you have to lose? If you are not satisfied, you can go back to the way you were living. I can promise you that you have so much to gain and life will be more fulfilling and will seem effortless when you MAKE GOD PRIORITY.  ~dp

No Need to Struggle


When all else fails, and you truly want to help yourself, reconnect with God (or whatever you call the entity or source from which you were created).  Ask for help.  You will receive the power, strength, and love from the source to overcome the obstacles you are currently facing in life.  Don’t be stubborn, because it is impossible to do it alone.  When you reconnect with the source and have the fundamental belief that you really can do this, anything is possible.


Liam at the pumpkin patch.

Liam at the pumpkin patch

Can you see the joy on this little guy’s face?  He was so excited to be at the pumpkin patch and that he got to pick his own pumpkin.  It’s moments like these that mean the most in life.  Do we still get excited about the simple things?  When did we lose that joy?  Bring back the joy in your life.  Slow down, take notice, and appreciate all of God’s miracles.