Tag Archives: Present Moment

Manifest Your Desires


This day doesn’t have to be your birthday to make a wish.  I want you to close your eyes right now and purposely think of something you want.  To test this process, let’s start with something simple.  I simply asked for a connection with a dear friend who I have known for many years.  Now let go of the thought and forget about it.  What I mean is don’t dwell on it or keep asking for it or wondering whether or not it’s going to come true.  To speed up the process, stay positive and believe with all your heart that it will happen with absolutely no doubt.  You can even act like it has happened or you’ve received it already and be very thankful.  Continue with your normal, daily activities, but stay fully focused in the present moment throughout the days ahead.  I am so excited for us right now, because this is part of what life is all about.  Stay tuned my friends. I am wishing you a joy-filled life!