Tag Archives: accept

You Can Move Mountains!

You Can Move Mountains!

Positive thinking is when we have faith and trust in the guiding hand of the universe. Faith is belief not based on proof. Confidence, self-assurance, and certainty is having faith. Faith is when we allow everything to unfold exactly the way it should. It’s not about everything turning out the way we want it to. It’s about accepting things no matter how it turns out. When there is absence of fear and doubt, and when we let go of resistance and control, we can learn to trust and have faith.

Be Open-Minded


Are you a person that is willing to accept new ideas and try different things or are you closed-minded, set in your ways, and resist change? It’s good to have strong views about a specific topic, but it is also good to be balanced and listen to other people’s opinions. You just might learn something new and better. When you adjust your perspective, and try new things, your life will be more fulfilling. How do you know for sure whether or not you like something if you don’t try it? You are missing out on so much in life when you stay in the same old routine. It’s time to come out of your comfort zone and take that step of faith.

Changing Others


We are constantly attracting people into our lives.  Not all people are meant to stay, especially if you are experiencing change in your life.  Those people may no longer be at the same place as where you are.  We cannot expect people to be who we want them to be.  We will become very frustrated with the relationship.  They have to want to change for themselves.  Some people will change and some will not.  Either way, we must accept them for who they are.