Tag Archives: think

Who are You?


You may “think” you know who you are, but do you really?  You may get to a point in life when you want to have a deeper understanding about yourself.  Have you ever asked yourself these questions:  who am I; what am I doing here; where am I going; who and what should I believe?  The truth is you already have the answers.  You have to dig deep, go within, and be honest with yourself.  It might take a while to figure out who you really are, but you will if you express desire.  I strongly encourage you to meditate.  This is when you listen to the divine source and connect with your inner being to get all the answers.

Flaunt Our Flaws


We all have one thing in common.  Each and every one of us has flaws.  Now I know some of you don’t want to admit it, but we all do.  Why are we so afraid to expose our flaws?  Is it because we’re afraid of what other people might think of us?  We need to realize that we are beautiful even with our imperfections.

Let’s change the way we think about ourselves.  It’s too exhausting trying to be someone we’re not.  We are going to work on and undo what society has done to us for decades.  Besides, how do we know for sure they are actually ‘flaws?’  A flaw could be beauty in disguise.  From now on, let’s just be straightforward.  We are always flaunting our good characteristics, but what about the parts we ‘think’ other people won’t like?  Because guess what… they may have the very same one(s)!  Love everything about yourself.  You will be so much happier!