Tag Archives: relationships



I am writing this in honor of Groundhog Day. Waking up can be a very slow process. It’s kind of like when the groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, emerges from his hole, he sees his shadow and scurries right back in. It is then predicted that there will be six more weeks of winter-like weather. We know what is good for us, but change can be a little frightening. The good news is we are taking that first step toward change. At least we are coming out of our dark holes.  According to today’s news, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, therefore, an early spring is in the forecast!  When we keep moving forward and stepping out in faith, doors will open to new opportunities to use our gifts and develop relationships.

Saying Goodbye


It can be difficult to say goodbye to loved ones who have passed, to relationships that didn’t work out, to children going off to college, to sons or daughters moving out of the house/getting married, to active military personnel leaving to serve their country, close friends or relatives who are moving far away, etc. How do we deal with these types of situations when these people have been part of our lives for many years? We have to remember that death is imminent, and in most other cases, people are actually making these choices for themselves. It is natural to experience separation anxiety at first, but we have to learn to let go and become unattached to people. We can remember the good times we shared and wish them well in their new endeavors. People come in and out of our lives for specific reasons, and no matter what, we have to let them be FREE. It should be comforting to know that everything is as it should be. When we change, so will our circle of influence (people we associate with in life). Life comes full circle and we may cross paths again. To overcome sadness and grief, reach out to God and ask for strength and courage. God is always there for us and always will be.

Givers and Takers


Why do people take advantage of a good thing?  Why do people fail to appreciate others for who they are and what they do for them?  They’re always wanting more and more and end up ruining relationships.  They push their limit and then get angry when others finally stand up to them.  Balance is what it takes for both sides.  Please… show respect and gratitude when someone is helping you out, and do not ‘expect’ it from him or her.  For the other person, always be kind and giving but know when to stop before people take you for granted.