Tag Archives: honest

Loyalty Versus Trust


There is a difference between loyalty and trust. You can be loyal without being trustworthy.

Loyalty can be termed as devotion of a person to a cause, an organization, country, or another person. A person can be loyal to someone or something, whether it’s right or wrong. Loyalty implies sticking with someone or something, even if it goes against your own self-interest. Loyalty is considered as an obligation or duty.

A trustworthy person is someone who you can rely on as being honest or truthful. You can confide in that person to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Trustworthiness is a step higher than loyalty, because it is being loyal and righteous at the same time.

Being loyal is easier than being trustworthy.


Being Honorable


My definition of an honorable person is someone who is righteous, trustworthy, compassionate, and shows respect for others. A person of honor is fair and forgiving, takes responsibility for his/her own actions, keeps promises, and maintains composure during difficult situations. A person who earns an honest living and is willing to help others is being honorable. When these values are practiced, much respect from others will be gained, and there will be a spiritual peaceful feeling within.

Who are You?


You may “think” you know who you are, but do you really?  You may get to a point in life when you want to have a deeper understanding about yourself.  Have you ever asked yourself these questions:  who am I; what am I doing here; where am I going; who and what should I believe?  The truth is you already have the answers.  You have to dig deep, go within, and be honest with yourself.  It might take a while to figure out who you really are, but you will if you express desire.  I strongly encourage you to meditate.  This is when you listen to the divine source and connect with your inner being to get all the answers.