Tag Archives: appreciate



As much as we know that death is inevitable for all beings, it is still very hard to let go of the attachment. How can we not become emotionally attached to a beautiful, loving being, an innocent, precious child, or a sweet dog or cat? Life is good, but during these times, I can’t help but wonder what the lessons are. My positive thoughts are to appreciate who we have in our lives while we still have them, and to stay attached to God, even through the difficult times.

Who is Your Best Friend?


Do you have a best friend? Do you treat your best friend better than all your other friends? Are you kinder and more gentle and respectful toward your best friend? When you look in the mirror at yourself, do you observe your physical attributes, or do you focus on your true self? Do you love and appreciate who you see and who you are? No one knows you better than you. You are your best friend. How well do you treat yourself? Thank your best friend for always being there for you 24/7 through thick and thin.

Givers and Takers


Why do people take advantage of a good thing?  Why do people fail to appreciate others for who they are and what they do for them?  They’re always wanting more and more and end up ruining relationships.  They push their limit and then get angry when others finally stand up to them.  Balance is what it takes for both sides.  Please… show respect and gratitude when someone is helping you out, and do not ‘expect’ it from him or her.  For the other person, always be kind and giving but know when to stop before people take you for granted.

Stop and Smell the Flowers

Stop and Smell the Flowers

We have such busy schedules that sometimes prevent us from enjoying the simple things in life. We get pulled in many different directions that our lives become chaotic. We rush around in a frenzy taking kids to school or to their activities, going to work, grocery shopping, working out, checking emails, etc. It is no wonder we have so much stress in our lives. We need to learn to slow down or stop and be present. We can very easily eliminate some things to allow time for unwinding and relaxation. Life goes by quick enough. Be like a child and appreciate the small pleasures in life. Here is Liam taking time to smell the flowers.



Liam at the pumpkin patch.

Liam at the pumpkin patch

Can you see the joy on this little guy’s face?  He was so excited to be at the pumpkin patch and that he got to pick his own pumpkin.  It’s moments like these that mean the most in life.  Do we still get excited about the simple things?  When did we lose that joy?  Bring back the joy in your life.  Slow down, take notice, and appreciate all of God’s miracles.