Tag Archives: support

Lean on Each Other


So a dear friend of mine and co-worker was recently diagnosed with a huge brain tumor.  She went into surgery on a Monday for prep work which took 3 hours, and on Tuesday she had an approximate 8-hour operation to remove the tumor.  On Wednesday morning, she was up eating breakfast and sitting in a chair.  How amazing is that?!  The doctor said she did 110% better than expected!  Besides the wonderfully skilled doctors who performed the surgery and the professional staff, I believe the power of prayer, positive energy, and faith added to the success of her outcome.  Her Facebook wall was flooded with well wishes.  All of her family, friends, and co-workers were praying for her.  It seems when both individual and collective prayers are combined, they are very powerful.  I believe when we all come together and provide positive support, we can truly impact each other’s lives.

Be Part of the Ripple Effect


Spread your light all over the place.  There are many people who are struggling with life.  Reach out to them, offer your support, be the inspiration for them.  They may need a little encouragement, and it might be just enough to make a huge impact in their lives.  I am where I am today from being inspired and motivated by many wonderful people.  Be the positive influence for someone today and keep the ripple effect going!