Tag Archives: death



As much as we know that death is inevitable for all beings, it is still very hard to let go of the attachment. How can we not become emotionally attached to a beautiful, loving being, an innocent, precious child, or a sweet dog or cat? Life is good, but during these times, I can’t help but wonder what the lessons are. My positive thoughts are to appreciate who we have in our lives while we still have them, and to stay attached to God, even through the difficult times.

Dying To Be Me


I highly recommend that EVERYONE watch this interview with Anita Moorjani.  People fearing death or having other fears, people with cancer or healing from cancer, people with other illnesses, please watch all the way through even after the commercial.  This is an incredible testimony with a clear message of our true being!  Thank you!




What Are You Afraid of?



Fear is the most unpleasant, distressing, painful feeling anyone can experience. Fear is caused by worry or thought of possible danger, evil, or a threat. Fears may come from personal history and/or can be learned from experiences.  Wikipedia provided the top 10 types in the U.S. by a 2005 Gallup poll and Bill Tancer’s published list in 2008:

“In a 2005 Gallup poll (U.S.A.), a national sample of adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 were asked what they feared the most. The question was open-ended and participants were able to say whatever they wanted. The top ten fears were, in order: terrorist attacks, spiders, death, being a failure, war, criminal or gang violence, being alone, the future, and nuclear war.

In an estimate of what people fear the most, book author Bill Tancer analyzed the most frequent online queries that involved the phrase, “fear of…” following the assumption that people tend to seek information on the issues that concern them the most. His top ten list of fears published 2008 consisted of flying, heights, clowns, intimacy, death, rejection, people, snakes, failure, and driving.” 

By understanding and confronting your fears (also called exposure therapy), you can gain better control of your life. You have the courage to overcome your fears. Most importantly, have faith and trust in God and in yourself that everything will be all right.