

As much as we know that death is inevitable for all beings, it is still very hard to let go of the attachment. How can we not become emotionally attached to a beautiful, loving being, an innocent, precious child, or a sweet dog or cat? Life is good, but during these times, I can’t help but wonder what the lessons are. My positive thoughts are to appreciate who we have in our lives while we still have them, and to stay attached to God, even through the difficult times.

About deborah parise

My mission in life has always been to encourage and uplift as many people as possible. I became passionate about spirituality and the law of attraction several years ago. I desperately wanted to know more about myself and how to become better. Through my actual life experiences, knowledge, and wisdom, I have come to know the true meaning of life. I have learned that our life experiences are our greatest teachers. I am doing what I love best... inspiring others to become who they really are and to fulfill their purpose in life. We must realize that PEACE, LOVE, and LIGHT are within each and every one of us, always. Let us unite as one; support and help each other, and make a difference in this beautiful world. I wish you abundant joy and success in all that you do! ~deborah~

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