Tag Archives: patience

The Grip


So I asked myself… have I really changed?  Can people actually change?  Is this possible?  I know when people hit the ground hard enough, they are forced to change, but do they eventually go back to being their same, old selves?  I have been working on self-improvement for several years, but it’s hard for me to tell if I am truly changing.  I still find myself having recurring thoughts and habits.  At least I am aware of them, and I do feel a little stronger and less of a people pleaser.  I guess after all those years of having the same thoughts and habits, that they are so ingrained in me, and that change is a gradual process.  It’s sort of like an etched stone when the engraving eventually wears off.  I am practicing patience, because I am determined to break free from the grip of the mind.

Thankfulness Challenge


I am all about being grateful.  Recently, I was challenged by a dear friend, Beverly Austin, for five days to list five things I am thankful for.  Here is my list of 25 (in no specific order) to fulfill this challenge.  Of course, my list is endless, because every day there is always something new to be grateful for.

  1. I am very grateful to know you and all the people who have crossed my path.
  2. I am very grateful for family, especially my parents, siblings, children, niece, and grandson.
  3. I am very grateful for my darling little Oscar and all the animals in this world.
  4. I am very grateful for nature.
  5. I am very grateful for my job.
  6. I am very grateful for my home.
  7. I am very grateful for technology.
  8. I am very grateful for all inspirational leaders.
  9. I am very grateful for music.
  10. I am very grateful for the sun, the moon, and the stars.
  11. I am very grateful to have the desire to help people.
  12. I am very grateful for my artistic abilities.
  13. I am very grateful for my intuition.
  14. I am very grateful for guidance from a higher divine power.
  15. I am very grateful for the universe.
  16. I am very grateful for little nudges to wake me up.
  17. I am very grateful to be conscious and in the present moment.
  18. I am very grateful for my accomplishments.
  19. I am very grateful for change.
  20. I am very grateful for encouragement from other people.
  21. I am very grateful for good health.
  22. I am very grateful for Oprah Winfrey.  She has truly inspired me.
  23. I am very grateful for vacations, the beach, the ocean, the sand, and the breeze.
  24. I am very grateful for love, patience, and compassion.
  25. I am very grateful for time for myself.