Category Archives: Poetry

Eye Believe


Hello everyone,

I hope and pray that everyone is doing well and is safe. It’s been a trying couple of months, but I am so hopeful that there are better days ahead. I’ve been away from this site for a while working on a second book and also doing some painting. I have great news! My new book has been published and is now available on Amazon. I hope you will check it out. It costs a little bit more than most books, but I promise you, the beautiful, colorful images and inspiring quotes are worth it. Peace, love, and joy always!  ~dp

Here is the link:

The Blame Game


The more you engage in the blame game, the more you lose in life. Accusing someone else for a negative situation is a means of defending yourself and avoiding your own flaws and weaknesses. I know because I have done this in the past. I appreciate that those challenging experiences were actually meant for me so that I could learn and grow from them. We get caught up in wanting to be right all the time and are quick to point fingers at others. We need to take responsibility for ourselves or we could be in danger of losing friendships and possibly our jobs.